Have you ever been to a homeschool convention? My mother used to bring us to the book store’s annual sale - not a convention but definitely an experience! The goal of both events was to supply families with resources for education. At these kinds of events you can find complete curriculum sets, add-ons to augment what you have, art supplies, office supplies, games, puzzles, Sunday-school lessons, tactile learning implements, Audio and video lessons - pretty much anything you might need to teach any subject ever invented. And every year there is something new. It’s almost like Christmas!
Something new that has been added to the available resources for homeschooling families is the subscription letter! These can be a great supplementary tool for any topic, making a subject interesting, giving a sense of anticipation to the child, and utilizing the beneficial strategy of recalling attention to a topic many times over the course of a year. The Adventure Letters subscription, for example, is a wonderful companion to any U.S. geography curriculum. Our family has been receiving these letters for a few months and every two weeks a new letter arrives in the mailbox addressed to my son. He loves getting his own mail so whenever one arrives a smile arrives with it.
Geography can be a dry subject if not handled well. Each letter contains information about a different state but it is presented as if a friend is sending you a personal letter - it is like reading a story instead of a textbook. I have even learned some things I didn't know before! Along with the informational element the letters contain some fun items as well - stickers, puzzles, coloring pages, jokes, and mini-games!
A great resource for math is a series of books called “The life of Fred”. This is a math resource for children who are better with words than they are with numbers. It starts in kindergarten and works all the way up through college level math, following a character named Fred as he deals with life and the world as a three-foot tall math professor. I have children who think in terms of stories rather than equations so I am grateful for a math tool that helps them grasp concepts in a way that will stick with them.
Another math supplement that helps story-based learners (and everyone else for that matter) is Kahn Academy videos for the younger grades. They are free on Youtube and they also cover math from kinder up through college. The younger age videos are cute and story-like but as the ages grow the math teaching style also grows (so as not to be patronizing, I imagine) and becomes less story-like. It is still very helpful and does a good job of communicating concepts clearly.
A little good research will turn up a varied and vast array of educational aids - both in the “free” and “affordable" categories! The ones I have presented here are excellent options to start with but I encourage you to keep looking for more. Your local library will be invaluable in a search like this - I am always impressed with how much information our librarian has a finger on. You will be sure to find all kinds of good things if you keep your eyes open and ask the right people!
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